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WashR PRO | How to Adjust your Spray Pressure

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  1. 10.1 Pressure Rinsing

Adjusting the spray pressure on your Bigboi WASHR PRO is essential for achieving the desired cleaning results without damaging surfaces. Follow these steps to properly adjust the spray pressure:

10.1 Pressure Rinsing

  1. Select and Install Spray Tip

    • Select and install the desired high-pressure spray tip.
  2. Maintain Safe Distance

    • Keep the spray gun a safe distance from the area you plan to spray.
  3. Adjust Spray Pressure

    • Increase spray pressure by turning the pressure control knob clockwise.
    • Decrease spray pressure by turning the pressure control knob counterclockwise.
  4. Test Spray Pressure

    • Apply a high-pressure spray to a small area and then check the surface for damage. If no damage is found, you can assume it is okay to continue rinsing.
  5. Rinse Methodically

    • Start at the top of the area to be rinsed, working down with overlapping strokes similar to those used for cleaning.

By following these steps, you can adjust the spray pressure on your WASHR PRO to achieve optimal cleaning results while protecting the surfaces of your vehicles. If you encounter any issues, refer to our troubleshooting guide or contact our support team for assistance.

Updated on 23 Jul 2024